Catatan Pemikiran

A Phrase

2:35 AMorangizenk

There is a phrase oftenly repeated by Christians in their prayers.
We speak it in the end of our list of demands,
after all of our endlessness requests,
and when each tongue is stop mumbling.
With that phrase,
we are confessing that our great God can do everything in His own way
and we believe that He will give the-best-things-according-to-Him-for-us.
We remember once again that a prayer doesn't change God to do whatever we want.
Instead, it changes us to do whatever God's want.

A phrase that personally reminds me to always be in His presence,
and though i'm not always understand how the way of His works for my own life,
A phrase that will always be said in every prayer of mine
A phrase that sounds similar in my ear with: "I'm in"

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